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radial engine artinya

contoh kalimat "radial engine"
  • The AT-17 was powered by two Jacobs R-755-9 radial engines.
    AT-17 ini didukung oleh dua mesin piston radial Jacobs R-755-9.
  • These would be powered by the 500 hp Alvis Leonides radial engine.
    Ini akan didukung oleh mesin radial 500 hp Alvis Leonides.
  • SA-20P Eight-seat version powered by single VOKEM M14X radial engine; one prototype.
    SA-20P Versi delapan tempat duduk didukung oleh mesin tunggal VOKEM M14X radial, satu prototipe.
  • Wilga 3 Modified serial variant with AI-14 radial engine, 13 built (including 2 converted Wilga 2s).
    Wilga 3 - versi modifikasi dengan mesin radial AI-14 (dibuat 13 buah).
  • It was powered by a newly developed engine, the 125 hp Fairchild-Caminez 4-cylinder radial engine.
    Hal ini didukung oleh mesin baru yang dikembangkan, mesin radial 4-silinder 125 hp Fairchild-Caminez.
  • The aircraft was powered by three 1,200 hp (890 kW) Wright R-1820-99 Cyclone radial engines.
    Pesawat ini didukung oleh tiga 1.200 hp (895 kW) mesin radial Wright R-1820-99 Cyclone.
  • It was to be powered by four 1200 hp Pratt & Whitney Twin Wasp radial engines.
    Itu akan didukung oleh empat mesin radial 1.200 hp Pratt & Whitney Twin Wasp.
  • The first prototype, named Krylia Sovietov (Wings of the Soviets) used three French Gnome-Rhone Titan radial engines.
    Prototipe pertama, bernama Krylia Sovietov (sayap Soviet) menggunakan tiga mesin radial French Gnome-Rhone Titan.
  • It was supposed to be powered by two Wright Cyclone radial engines of 1,193 kW (1,600 hp) each.
    Ini seharusnya didukung oleh dua mesin radial Wright Cyclone dari masing-masing 1.193 kW (1.600 hp).
  • The Sukhoi Su-29 is a Russian two-seat aerobatic aircraft with a 268 kW (360 hp) radial engine.
    Sukhoi Su-29 adalah pesawat aerobatik sport Rusia dua tempat duduk dengan mesin radial 268 kW (360 hp).
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    Kata benda
  • an internal-combustion engine having cylinders arranged radially around a central crankcase
    Sinonim: rotary engine,